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I rang and asked David what time he’d be round to fit my carpet? with his versatile can do approach he said he’d pop round and it was no trouble at all, it was only when he pointed out that I’d likely misdialled since ‘Carpet’ and ‘Computer’ were probably very close together in my address book that I realised my mistake! What a guy, he even said he’d bring his own Stanley Knife!

David Who?

Always available when needed, dealing with my messy computer/file system, organising changes on my website. So merci.

I would recommend David he always sorts out my computer for me and is patient, nothing is to much bother, it’s a pity he lives so far away!!

He’s a life saver! Well, he didn’t actually save my life but you know what I mean. Highly recommended.

Thanks David for coping with one of the world’s greatest technophobes, being so patient with my ignorance and overcoming my fears of the updates.

David, fixed my DVD player, my Printer, my Laptop, my Stairlift, he declined when I asked him to cut the grass but otherwise, he’s a good egg!

David has supported our needs for some 20 years and has been a first-class advisor, giving us excellent support. He has also saved us money in the face of rapid technical developments. I have no hesitation in recommending him to anyone.

Always reliable, arrives on time and does what is necessary, David always explains what needed doing and why, and it’s very reassuring to have his expertise at hand.

If you have a computer problem, send for David as he is the best person to sort things out! He is easy to work with and will answer all your questions. Computers are great but only when everything works well.

if it’s a wet afternoon get David to install “Windows 10” and enliven your day with the highlights of a new operating system; a truly all-in-one service, even a complimentary brush for the keyboard!


David dealt with my Broadband provider when I had lost patience with them, he got it sorted out and now they are scared of him ringing.

I had only recently gone biro when I met David, now all my tech works efficiently. David has left me with no excuses to avoid replying to email and texts from people I don’t like or can’t be bothered with, in short, don’t employ this man if you want to remain in the Dark.

David was recommended by a friend as a good guy to sort out my lap top. That was a couple of years ago and I’ve not had to call on him since… Good value or what!

David always provides a speedy response and deals with any problem, however large or small. He got all my devices synced, including Bluetooth in my car. Also sorted out my new smart TV. Can’t recommend him highly enough.

I’ve tried a lot of IT blokes. But I want to say that Mark is really number one. High-level technical support, easy to contact , extensive knowledge, a well polished car. He seems to turn up whenever I put the kettle on.

Thank you, David, for miraculously sorting out the computer & laptop & scanner problems — eternal gratitude! The computer opens up now IMMEDIATELY !!

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